(Bruchus pisorum)
This insect pest attacks all varieties of edible peas. Weevils emerge from hibernation as peas are beginning to bloom. The adults feed on pea nectar and pollen. This feeding does not harm the plant. Adults can migrate up to 3 miles in search of food. They lay orange to white eggs on the developing pods. The white grubs that hatch from these eggs eat through the pod and into the pea. They continue feeding for 6 to 8 weeks, then pupate inside the hollow pea. The adult weevil emerges in 1 to 3 weeks, and hibernates to repeat the cycle the following year. There is only 1 generation each year. Infested peas are inedible.
Insecticides must be applied to kill the adults before they lay eggs. Once the eggs are laid on the pods it is too late to prevent injury. Treat the plants with an insecticide containing carbaryl or rotenone soon after the first blooms appear, and before pods start to form. Additional sprays may be needed to control migrating weevils.